Turning the dial

Understand —

The way to get your ex back is as much art as it is science.

Relationships can be fuzzy and require a certain approach…

Which is OK! So long as we keep that in mind:

Progress is dealing with reality (which is where I operate.)

Which is why I want you to know that all the programs and courses available to you are more potential solutions than “magic.”

Potential solutions that come with a chance factor built-in.

And some are better than others.

Think of it like this:

The better the source of information you follow


The better you apply it


The amount the “chance dial” moves up.


Pay careful attention to what I say next

I specialise in turning the “chance dial” as far as possible while protecting the self-worth and pride of both parties.

With me, we focus on everything you can do and can control that CAN improve your situation. And yes… this includes ways to INFLUENCE your ex toward your most wanted goal.

So, What’s The ONE Most Important Thing?

Do you remember on the previous page when I said:

How do you save a relationship?

There are a lot of ways to answer that. However? I can tell you that saving a relationship really only comes down to ONE thing.

Well, I mentioned the “one thing” already, in the yellow box above. Can you spot it? Here’s the sentence again:

I specialise in turning the “chance dial” as far as possible while protecting the self-worth and pride of both parties.

This time, I have underlined the key word.

Yes, the single most important thing —and greatest secret— to saving a relationship, is:


Yes, really.

This is the most important thing PERIOD when it comes to saving a relationship or stopping rejection.

Do you want to know why?

Click here and I’ll explain