Healing: Theory

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“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.” — Laozi

Everyone is obsessed with HOW TO GET MY EX BACK.

Not you though. Right? Right ..?

Well, maybe you are. Which is of course fine.

What most fail to realise, though, is that first.. they have to GET THEMSELVES BACK. If they don’t, they severely reduce their chance of success, or a happy relationship down the line.

Why? Because the relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship you’ll ever have.

Cement that in your brain.


The trouble is, after a breakup, all you can think about is your ex and the external conditions of your life. And it’s so exhausting, the danger is you’ll have little energy left to adjust course. And then it’s too late.

So you have to fight the natural urge to do the wrong thing.

Do the right thing —get yourself back— and the rest will follow after (the good stuff rarely comes before.)

Moving on..

Assuming it makes sense for your situation, you are now giving your ex SPACE. And as you now know, THIS is the time to do important work.


Giving your ex space isn’t a time to sit back and rest. It’s a time for TRAINING. For doing what you normally wouldn’t, or normally have the time and space to do.

It’s your opportunity.

Hope that’s clear.

Let’s get to it…

First time here?

These 2 steps are for you:

  1. Learn what your opportunity is all about (takes 1 minute): Start Here!
  2. Understand what module 2 is all about [do not skip this]: Read Now!

Done the above?

Here’s the list of lessons that make up module 2:

  1. Process is Everything
  2. The Lies We Tell Ourselves
  3. The Problem with Thinking
  4. Start Where You Are
  5. Feelings
  6. Don’t Rationalise Your Way to Rashness
  7. Let Go That Bone
  8. The Script
  9. Let’s Talk About Desire
  10. Who’s Responsible for Your Happiness?
  11. Humans in a Nutshell & Why We Break Up
  12. Self-Worth Doesn’t Come From Other People
  13. Choosing Happiness Over Right

Read these through as often as needed. Some are written on the expectation that you will revisit them more than once in order to deepen the impression of the lesson.

Note: It is perfectly OK to start module 3 while still reading through module 2 — as explained here — because both modules compliment each other.